Sliding Fee Scale

Sliding Fee

Service Provided A B C D Full Fee
Individual Therapy $30 $40 $50 $60 $90
Psychiatric Evalution $30 $40 $50 $60 $90
Follow up Psychiatry Visit $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

Toggle between ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C’ ‘D’ to view scale

Category   0-100% of FPL
Family Size Monthly Income Annual Income
1 0.00-1,255 0.00-$15,060.00
2 0.00-1,703 0.00-$20,440.00
3 0.00-2,152 0.00-$25,820.00
4 0.00-2,600 0.00-$31,200.00
5 0.00-3,048 0.00-$36,580.00
6 0.00-3,497 0.00-$41,960.00
7 0.00-3,945 0.00-$47,340.00
8 0.00-4,393 0.00-$52,720.00
Each Additional Person add 448




Category   101-135% of FPL
Family Size Monthly Income Annual Income
1 1,256-$1,694 $15,060.01-$20,331.00
2 1,704-$2,300 $20,440.01-$27,594.00
3 2,153-$2,905 $25,820.01-$34,857.00
4 2,601-$3,510 $31,200.01-$42,120.00
5 3,049-$4,115 $36,580.01-$49,383.00
6 3,498-$4,721 $41,960.01-$56,646.00
7 3,946-$5,326 $47,340.01-$63,909.00
8 4,394-$5,931 $52,720.01-$71,172.00
Each Additional Person add $605 $7,263
Category   136-165% of FPL
Family Size Monthly Income Annual Income
1 $1,695-$2,071 $20,331.01-$24,849.00
2 $2,301-$2,811 $27,594.01-$33,726.00
3 $2,906-$3,550 $34,857.01-$42,603.00
4 $3,511-$4,290 $42,120.01-$51,480.00
5 $4,116-$5,030 $49,383.01-$60,357.00
6 $4,722-$5,770 $56,646.01-$69,234.00
7 $5,327-$6,509 $63,909.01-$78,111.00
8 $5,932-$7,249 $71,172.01-$86,988.00
Each Additional Person add $740 $8,877
Category   166-200% of FPL
Family Size Monthly Income Annual Income
1 $2,072-$2,510 $24,849.01-$30,120.00
2 $2,812-$3,407 $33,726.01-$40,880.00
3 $3,551-$4,303 $42,603.01-$51,640.00
4 $4,291-$5,200 $51,480.01-$62,400.00
5 $5,031-$6,097 $60,357.01-$73,160.00
6 $5,771-$6,993 $69,234.01-$83,920.00
7 $6,510-$7,890 $78,111.01-$94,680.00
8 $7,250-$8,787 $86,988.01-$105,440.00
Each Additional Person add $897 $10,760
Full Fee 201% of FPL & Over

Monthly and Annual Incomes that are above the limits in Slide Category D are ineligible for the sliding fee scale program and are charged the full amount of standard fees.