
Symptoms of Depression

By April 10, 2015No Comments

Depression goes beyond feeling sad and low for a few days. Yet, even if feelings of sadness stay with you for weeks on end, you may still notdepression suspect that you are experiencing a clinical illness. You may downplay the symptoms of depression believing that time or a change in circumstances will lead to a change in mood or behavior. But symptoms of depression may linger and being able to recognize the symptoms can aid you in knowing when it is time for you or someone you care about to reach out for help.

Here are some of the symptoms used to diagnose depression:

The technical term is anhedonia, but it means that a person no longer feels interested in things that they used to really enjoy. It doesn’t matter if it was riding a bike, watching movies, going shopping or gardening depression robs you of energy, motivation and pleasure in activities that once brought joy.

Weight Fluctuation
Most people enjoy eating but, depression interrupts pleasure signals. If you have depression you may pick at food and skip meals because you simply aren’t interested in eating. On the other hand, doctors say that some people may consume more carbohydrates because they provide the body with a quick emotional lift. Weight that changes significantly up or down could signal depression.

Unexplained Physical Pain
If you are experiencing physical ailments, what is really wrong could be psychological. You may actually be feeling back pain or a stomachache even without an obvious reason. That’s because depression can turn up the volume on minor discomforts until they feel like significant pain.

If you are experiencing bouts of anger it could signal depression. Depression increases irritability and anger but it is also true that unprocessed anger can lead to depression.

At Family Guidance we know not only how to recognize the signs of depression, but how to help you leave depression behind. Contact us if you or someone you love are experiencing these symptoms.