PTSD May be Affecting You More Than You Realize

The Importance of Treatment for PTSD

Whether a person is experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of combat or some other type of life-threatening trauma,PTSD they may believe that they are coping well and resist pursuing treatment.

Individuals may also avoid seeking treatment for a number of other reasons. They may feel that to ask for help will make others look at them differently. They may believe they are managing their symptoms better than they actually are. Or, they may not recognize what they are experiencing as signs of possible PTSD. It is often the case that loved ones around a person can see what is happening better than the individual affected.

PTSD symptoms can show up immediately following a traumatic event, but they can also come and go for many years. Whether symptoms show up early or late and are steady or intermittent, if they persist then it’s a good idea to talk with a healthcare professional about screening for PTSD. Some of the more common signs of PTSD include: emotional numbness, sleep problems including nightmares, feeling anxious, being unable to concentrate and finding that sights, smells or sounds can take you right back to the moment of trauma.

Do you or your loved one drink or use drugs to avoid feeling or thinking about your trauma? Maybe you have immersed yourself in your job to keep your mind off troubling thoughts. Do you ever feel angry enough to want to hurt yourself of someone else? Perhaps you studiously avoid people or situations which trigger bad memories. These could be signs that you or your loved one are experiencing PTSD.

At Family Guidance Center we can help you to confront what you are experiencing. PTSD treatment will consist of time spent with our mental health professionals and could include short-term medication. Help is available and it works. It takes courage to make the call to seek treatment for PTDS, call us today and start your journey to recovery.