Mental Health

Healthy Diet Makes an Important Impact on Mental Health

By March 3, 2015No Comments

Mental Health 20A poor diet has been linked to any number of physical health problems from high cholesterol to diabetes to stomach and skin ailments. Experts also believe diet also has an effect on mental health.

Mental illness is often the result of a combination of factors. Heredity, environment and biochemical factors all play a part. Diet too can affect mental health symptoms. This truth has led to a push for nutrition-based treatment as a part of comprehensive treatment for mental disorders. Eating nutrient-rich foods is one way to improve mental wellness. Taking vitamins supplements can also help make a difference. Those vitamins which have been shown to aid brain function are believed to be particularly beneficial. Fish oils and Omega-3, B12, D, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc and choline can all be added to the diet with positive results.

While, making healthy diet choices at any point in life will help, experts point out the tremendous value of a balanced diet during pregnancy. Providing the still-developing brain with necessary building blocks can impact mental health throughout life. The same goes for the importance of sound nutrition during childhood. Childhood nutritional deficiencies have long been associated with certain mental health conditions.

We at Family Guidance subscribe to a whole-person approach to treating mental health issues. We understand the importance of different tools that can help: behavioral change, counseling, medication, exercise and diet. People are complex beings and nothing happens in isolation. Sometimes improvements can be realized from making minor changes – like eating a more nutritious diet with your comprehensive mental health treatment. If you’ve been struggling with mental health concerns stop by and see how small steps in the right direction can work together in your overall mental health treatment.